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A quality research training in education for development and global citizenship (ED&GC) to combat the increase in social inequalities

  • April 21st, 2021
Image de la noticia

Place and date of event:

Friday 23/04/2021 from 10:00 till 14:00

Aula 3A2 – Madalen López Precioso.

Facultat de Ciències Socials, Universitat de València

The complex current situation makes it necessary to create spaces for the meeting of social agents where they can reflect on the importance of challenging the dominant social order through education and position the central role of transforming subjects in this purpose. In fact, it is up to the university to provide spaces so that these critical subjects can strengthen themselves in their own transformation process and their knowledge become part of the teaching and research orientation of a University committed to life and the reduction of social inequalities .

The objective of the Research Group on Inequality Processes - IPRODES is to share a training-action space based on Education for Development and Global Citizenship (ED&GC) through a theoretical-practical seminar, aligned with the V Master Plan of the Valencian Cooperation, in order to collect proposals from the different participants - involved from five different faculties, in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences - that can be incorporated in terms of objectives and results in the TFG of the students of the Universitat de València.

Therefore, we propose to train in a critical investigation that is capable of identifying the existing forms of exploitation and domination through the study of systems of discourses, ideological practices and forms of social representation that legitimize and justify them. those same forms of legitimation. An investigation that is carried out in conjunction with others, which seeks to break the binomial subject researcher-object investigated to attend to the analysis of collective problems and contribute to the search for solutions to relevant problems from the perception and knowledge of the subjects involved.

With this objective, it is essential to rethink the role of the educational community - especially teachers and university students - in relation to the contexts of knowledge production and with a view to its contribution to the construction of a more just and equitable world.

The pedagogical practice that we try to deploy in this initiative emphasizes the transformative power of education, in the possibility that teachers articulate the curriculum around socially relevant problems, in connection with the territory and with the protagonists of change . Leaving the classroom, recognizing the interests and experiences of the students, and opening oneself up to other views and epistemological references are some of the proposals that were put in value to overcome the Eurocentric models and the logics of domination that frequently inspire educational activity.

In short, from IPRODES we seek to promote an education committed to social justice, which knows how to develop; since the aim of development education and awareness is to enable all European people throughout their lives to have access to the possibility of sensitizing and perceiving aspects of global development and their local and personal importance, and to exercise their rights and responsibilities as inhabitants of an interdependent and changing world, helping to make it more just and sustainable (Council of the European Union, 2007: 6).
