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¿Quieres ser mentor o mentora?
“Entreiguals” Student Mentor Programme: registration open

Until the 16th of February the registration for being mentor of students in the programme Entreiguals of the Universitat de València is open. The main objective of the mentor programme, coordinated by SeDi (Information and Promotion Service), is to facilitate the incorporation of new students and to accompany the incoming students in their integration.

Participating in the programme involves training in mentoring and in the resources and services of the Universitat de València. As well as coordinating with your school’s teaching staff, developing the actions planned to promote the academic, personal and social integration of new students.  Personal experience, shared on an equal basis, is very useful for new students arriving at the Universitat. In addition, taking part of the Entreiguals Programme as a mentor has a recognition of 3 credits ECTS for participation.


Date From 27 january 2020 to 16 february 2020. 24h. Every day.


In the three campuses (Tarongers, Burjassot and Blasco Ibáñez)

Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service.



Contact mentors@uv.es

More information