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'Fora de classe': ajudes a estudiants per a activitats socioculturals
‘Fora de classe’: grants to students for sociocultural activities

The deadline for submission of Fora de classe (Catalan for Outside the Classrooms), which is a call for grants to students for carrying out sociocultural activities. With Fora de classe, groups of a minimum of 3 students from the Universitat de València can obtain financial grants to carry out sociocultural proposals such as: conferences, seminars, scientific dissemination conferences, workshops, videos on cultural dissemination or support for university students, round tables on historical or artistic subjects, actions to promote sustainability and mitigate the effects of climate change, publication of journals, stage productions, exhibitions, etc.

The aim of this grants of the Universitat de València, managed by the Information and Promotion Service (SeDi) is to encourage students to become involved in the Universitat's sociocultural programme by contributing proposals and carrying them out in all its phases, as well as sharing an experience with colleagues and professionals with common interests.

One new feature that the SeDi implemented is an advisory service, for those who wish or need it, for the design and implementation of their project.


Date From 6 march 2020 to 31 may 2020. 24h. Every day.


Sedi (Menéndez Pelayo s/n, Classrooms III)

Organized by

Information and Promotion Service (SeDi).



Contact participa@uv.es

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