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Exhibition Poster
‘Pens and vignettes. Arab Comic in movement’

The Muralla Hall of the Principal Peset Hall of Residence hosts this exhibition organised by Casa Árabe and IEMed, which covers the panorama of graphic novels and comics in the Arab world through comics from different Arab countries and with varied themes.

Perhaps a minority phenomenon such as comic books in the Arab world is a faithful reflection of a young society in turmoil. A means of expression that connects with an audience that interacts with its works on subjects as varied as superheroes, traditional stories or stories of a social or personal nature.  

According to Pedro Rojo, exhibition curator, “freshness, imagination, talent, innovation, boldness...are just some of the common denominators of a concrete world, the world of the Arab comic. This world not only surprises abroad but also in its own countries”, it is what we can find in the three sections into which the exhibition is divided:  Revistas. Las precursoras del nuevo cómic árabe, Libros. El rara avis del cómic árabe. Internet. Espacio natural para la creatividad del cómic árabe (Magazines. The forerunners of the new Arab comic book, Books. The rare advert of the Arab comic. Internet. Natural space for the creativity of the Arab comic.)

Although Beirut and Cairo are the epicentres of Arab comics, we can still refer to a movement that embraces the entire Arab world from the Maghreb to the Gulf. It is worth noting the comic's capacity for transformation and vanguards, which is reflected in the wide presence of women among the authors. Thus, in this exhibition we find works by artists such as the Lebanese Lena Merhei, the Tunisian Noha Habaieb, the Egyptian Hannan al Karargy or the Syrian Sawsan Nourallah.


ScheduleFrom 15 january 2020 to 26 january 2020. Tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 11:00 to 19:00.


Principal Peset Hall of Residence

Organized by

Principal Peset Hall of Residence; Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport; SM Foundation Comic Studies Chair of the Universitat de València..


Contact Culturacmrpeset@uv.es

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