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Un país de cultures. Convocatoria de la I Edición del premio. Centre Cultural La Nau
‘Un país de cultures’ Prize

First Edition of ‘Un país de cultures’ Prize of the Universitat de València.

The Universitat de València through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport in collaboration with the General Direction of Culture and Patrimony, undertakes the organisation, coordination and development of the 1st Meeting “Un país de cultures”, an initiative in which the cultural practices understood as well-being and social progress will be addressed through the analysis and study of some of the emerging and cross-cutting topics that nurture the reality of cultural management, such as the process of global and local development.

“Un país de cultures” is also a public call that will reward the best projects and initiatives emanated from the different instances of the civil society (individuals, collectives, associations, companies, groups of experts, social entities, etc.), therefore, the organising committee will select 10 projects, which will be presented at a public hearing and will reward the 3 best ones among those selected in the First Prize of “Un país de cultures”.


Date From 17 april 2019 to 29 may 2019. 24h. Every day.


Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport. Direcció General de Cultura i Patrimoni

Col: Diputació de València.


Contact cultura@uv.es

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