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Forum’s image of 2019-2020.
2019-2020 Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the University of Valencia aims to facilitate face-to-face contact between companies and institutions, on the one hand, and university students and graduates, on the other, thus promoting youth employability.

This forum takes place in different centers and faculties of the UV throughout the academic year in order to specialize the participating companies, the job offer, the professional profiles demanded and the programmed activities, such as talks, workshops and round tables, between others. 

The 2019-2020 course forum will be held in nine centers during the following dates:

-Faculty of Philology, Translation and  Communication. 22 October 2019

-Faculty of Social Sciences. 30 October 2019

-Faculty of Pharmacy. 4 November 2019

-Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. 5 February 2020

-Faculty of Geography and History. 25 February 2020

-Faculty of Law. 25 March 2020

- Plaza Rectorado UV (Health Sciences Area Forum). 1 April 2020

-Burjassot-Paterna Campus (Science Area Forum). 2 April 2020

- ETSE (School of Engineering). 5 May 2020


Date From 7 october 2019 to 3 november 2019. 24h. Every day.


On the three campuses of the Universitat de València

Organized by


University of Valencia General Foundation

Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes

Universitat de València




Contact uvocupacio@uv.es

More information