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Imagen gráfica de la IV edición de Art i Ment.
4th Art i Ment - Nau Social

Sociocultural innovation through art.  Working on concentration, the motivation and manual abilities will be the objectives of the 4th Edition of Art i Ment (Art and Mind).

Aimed at children from ages 10 to 12

Aesthetic experience can have cognitive and emotional benefits.  The development of sensitivities and artistic skills enables improvements in self-esteem and assertiveness.  Our mind allows us to enjoy art in a constitutive way and this pleasure is the prelude of new forms of social participation. 

From 12th November to 19th May

Art workshops that will be held on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Seminari Rooms of La Nau Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València (Universitat 2, València).

Free registration open until 11th November:


More information:



ScheduleFrom 4 november 2019 to 11 november 2019. Every day at 09:00 to 14:00.


Aulas Seminari. Centre Cultural La Nau de la Universitat de València (Universitat 2, València)

Organized by

Laboratorio de Experiencia Estética e Integración Social del Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Deporte de la Universitat de València, de la mano del Máster Universitario de Intervención Psicológica en Ámbitos Sociales (MIPAS), del Instituto IDECART (Instituto para la Investigación y Desarrollo de los Procesos de Creación y Arteterapia) y del Máster de Arteterapia de la UPV.


Fundació General de la Universitat de València

Caixa Popular.



Contact artiment@uv.es

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