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Fragmento de la portada del libro 'El cumplimiento de la Comisión Europea con los ciudadanos'.
Book El cumplimiento de la Comisión Europea con los ciudadanos

Book launching El cumplimiento de la Comisión Europea con los ciudadanos (The European Commission's commitment to citizens) by the Professors José Díaz Lafuente and Mercedes Guinea Llorente, authors of the book.  Published in Marcial Pons, 2019.

In view of the 2019 European Parliament elections, the Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Euroepo (CFEME, Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement), a civil society organisation promoting the European cause, proposed to develop an evaluation of the results of the 8th legislature (2014-2019). For this reason, it has commissioned the production of the report included in the book from the experts Mercedes Guinea Llorente and José Díaz Lafuente, from the Complutense University of Madrid. Its objective is to analyse the degree of fulfilment of the political programme proposed by the European Commission chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker. The text has been enriched with specialized contributions from members of the Executive Committee of the CFEME. The overall positive outcome of this evaluation contrasts with the prevailing media account and shows that the action of the European institutions offers benefits for their citizens.


Date 5 december 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Colegio Mayor Rector Peset de la Universitat de València. Salón de Actos

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Centre de Documentació Europea de la Universitat de València

Fundació General de la Universitat de València

Universitat de València.



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