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Becas Santander
Call for financial grants for extracurricular internships

On December 23rd the resolution of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer was published in the DOGV, calling for grants from the Universitat de València, through the Banco Santander Chair for International Finance.

These grants are intended for external internships for students who are studying at the Faculty of Economics in the 2019/2020 academic year.

The grants are differentiated according to the following criteria:

  • Internships in Spain:  €300/month
  • Internships in a different EU country outside Spain:  €600/month.

Applications may be submitted from the day following the extract publication in the DOGV until 2 p.m. on 1st March 2020.



Date From 23 december 2019 to 1 march 2020. 24h. Every day.


Banco Santander Chair for International Finance

Organized by

Banco Santander Chair for International Finance.


Contact Constantino.Garcia@uv.es