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La Cátedra Fisabio convoca ayudas para estancias de investigación en Europa
The Chair Fisabio awards mobility research grants in Europe

The objective is to give grants to graduates so that they can study in European higher education and research centres in order to develop R&D healthcare/biomedical projects in one of the following fields of study:  Biomedical Sciences, Economics, Mathematics, Sociology, Environmental Sciences and Food Technology.

In order to do so, 4 grants worth €4,000 will be given to students in any public Valencian university for a mobility period of at least 3 months in a European Centre during 2019-2020. The objective of these grants is to promote research among university students in the field of healthcare and biomedicine.


Date From 18 june 2019 to 10 september 2019. 24h. Every day.


Date 10 september 2019. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

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