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Conmemoración de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos setenta y un años después. Conferencias y recital. 10/12/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 16.30h
Commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seventy-one years later

Conferences and Reading

Commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights seventy-one years later

16.30: “Cómo convertir los Derechos Humanos en trending topic” (How to turn Human Rights into a trending topic), given by Lola Huete. Journalist and editor-in-chief of Planeta Futuro

18.00: “Diáspora, literatura y derechos humanos” (Diaspora, literature and human rights), given by Daniel Centeno Maldonado.  Professor of Literature and writer

19.00: Reading: Poesía desde la otra orilla, given by Abderraman El Fathi. Professor of Philology, poet and writer

Presented and moderated by:

José Elias Esteve. Director of the Master’s Degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice

Cristina García Pascual. Director of the Literature Club (Aula de Literatura)

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 10 december 2019 at 16:30 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna Cultural Centre La Nau

Organized by

Literature Club (Aula de Literatura) The Human Rights Institute of the UV.


Contact literatura@uv.es

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