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Curso Economía social, cooperativismo y emprendimiento
Course about Social and Cooperative Economy

The course of social and cooperative economy co-organised by IUDESCOOP and ECONOMISTAS SIN FRONTERAS will start on Monday 23rd.

It is open to all the university community and all the people who might be interested in knowing the experiences of different entities of the sector.

The entities of social economy are the best alternative for developing business projects in which the important issue is no the return of the capital invested, but the people, its environment, sustainability and the social responsibility.

We will answer some questions:

Do you want to know the sector of social economy?

Do you think that another type of economy is possible?

Do you think that ethics and responsibility are necessary in business?

The answer is closer than you think: Come to our course

Free registration until the capacity of the room is reached





Date From 18 september 2019 to 4 october 2019. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Economía Social, Cooperativismo y Emprendimiento.

Economistas Sin Fronteras

Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo.



Contact ana.m.martinez@uv.es

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