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Data Security Guide for External Internship Students

The 4th November, the Universitat de València and the Privacy and Digital Transformation Microsoft-UV Chair present the Guía sobre protección de datos para estudiantes que realizan Prácticas Externas (Data Security Guide for External Internship Students). The Guía, developed by the Director of the Chair Ricard Martínez, in collaboration with the Offices of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training, Innovation and Transferand  and Studies and Language Policy and with the help of the technical support of the University Research Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies.


Date 4 november 2019 at 13:00 to 14:00. Monday.


Sala de Juntas Edificio Rectorado

Organized by

Cátedra de Privacidad y Transformación Digital Microsoft-UV.


Contact cmicrosoft@uv.es

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