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Exposición: 35 años de la UPG
Exhibit: Enseñar el Arte. 35 years of the Universitat Popular of Gandia

This exhibition aims to show the works of people who have been taught art at the UPG, a play on words to discover what lies behind hundreds of students of painting, drawing, photography, prints, ceramics, design, etc. who have been trained at the Universitat Popular de Gandia during its 35 years of history.

Borja Abargues, Ana Amesti, Xaro Bonilla, Lourdes Escolano, Empar Faus, Ximo Ferri, Dani Garcia, Lorena Gorrita, Luís Hernández, Pere Huerta, Boro Mañó, Pere Mille, Irene Moreno, Ana Maria Parejo, Hector Peiró Santi Royo, Nieves Sanmartin and Joana Vidal are exhibiting their works.

Visiting hours: from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


ScheduleFrom 14 november 2019 to 15 january 2020. Every day at 19:30 to 20:30.


Centre de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Universitat Popular de Gandia.



Contact uvgandia@uv.es

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