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Sergio Albentosa, Miquel Casany y Felipe Cucciardi en concierto
Jazz Climàtic: The Prototype Jazz Trio

A new edition of our series Jazz al Botànic is about to start with Jazz Climàtic. The music project, in collaboration with the music groups Sedajazz and the sponsorship of Caixa Popular, will address symbolically the topic of climate change.

The first concert is in charge of The Prototype Jazz Trio with Sergio Albentosa, Miquel Casany and Felipe Cucciardi. After having played four years ago in a project dedicated to Lou Bennet, with whom they had played in clubs and festivals, the trio exhibits now their new work based on the most influential organists of the 1960s such as Larry Young, Jimmy Smith, Emmet Cohen and Larry Goldings. They preserve their jazz style but are influenced by soul, boogaloo, funk and even disco.

We must research efficiently and explain people what climate change is so that they fight this global change.

Maxwell Boykoff


Date 21 september 2019 at 19:30 to 21:00. Saturday.


Auditori Joan Plaça del Jardí Botànic UV

Organized by

Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València en colaboración con Sedajazz y el patrocinio de Caixa Popular..



Contact cicbotanic@uv.es

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