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La pu(n)ta del iceberg. Dance at La Nau. 13/14-11-2019. 19.00 h
La pu(n)ta del iceberg

Dance at La Nau

La pu(n)tu del iceberg, choreography, dramaturgy and performance INTRAT Cía. Dance.

Uncomfortable seats. Uncomfortable light. Uncomfortable acoustics. Pretty, skinny and friendly dancers go to room B to have their abilities and art tested by subjective and standardised criteria. One of them is very irascible. Maybe she has got her period. Maybe it is because of the insecurity of her life as an artist. Or maybe she ignores that she is important.

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website (www.latenda.es/entrades). Tickets €2


ScheduleFrom 13 november 2019 to 14 november 2019. Wednesday and thursday at 19:00 to 21:00.


Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula d'Arts Escèniques.


Contact auladeteatre@uv.es

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