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Learn Catalan! Aprende valenciano! Matricula't als cursos dels nivells A1, A1+ i A2

A1 level free Catalan courses for exchange students

University of Valencia offers free A1 level Catalan courses for exchange students at the UV. The courses will last 40 hours, with two weekly sessions of two hours, and a recognition of 1.5 ECTS credits each. 


A1, Els Tarongers Campus. Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8 October to 17 December, from 1pm to 3pm

A1, Blasco Ibáñez Campus. Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7 October to 16 December, from 9am to 11am

A1, Burjassot-Paterna Campus. Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8 October to 17 December, from 1pm to 3pm


Registration and further information: spluv.es/cursosA1

(until 18 September 2019).


Date From 2 september 2019 to 18 september 2019. 24h. Every day.


Aules dels campus de la Universitat

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact spl@uv.es

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