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Erasmus en el castillo de Xàtiva
Open enrollment at “Erasmus al Territori” web - Xàtiva

Departure 30 November.

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Internationalization and Cooperation, continues with the “Erasmus al Territori” programme. In this 6th edition, they have organised some training itineraries that will allow showing some Valencian municipalities representative to their culture and heritage. 

These itineraries are intended for students of the Erasmus programme of the University for the 2018-2019 academic year. The routes, designed with the participation of the corresponding municipalities, are characterized by their formative vocation, in which it is intended to illustrate the students of the Erasmus Programme of the heritage, cultural and landscape values of the Valencian geography.


Is the capital city of La Costera and it’s located in the south west of the Valencia County. Historical city, where Iberians, Romans, Arabs and other cultures went through, and has its clearest stamp in the majestic castle and old town, both visitables.


Date From 19 november 2019 to 30 november 2019. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

La Universidad de Valencia a través del Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad y el Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación . Colabora Centre d'Idiomes.


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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