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Philharmonic Orchestra of the UV
Opening concert in Gandia

The Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia will offer the opening concert in Gandia on October 17 at 19.30 at the Teatro Serrano.

The program they will offer is the following:


Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, Claude Debussy


Flute and Orchestra Concerto

No. 1 in G major, K. 313, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


I Allegro maestoso

II Adagio ma non troppo

III Rondo: Tempo di minuetto

Amalia Tortajada, flute


No. 1 Symphonie (“Spring”)

in B flat major, Op. 38, Robert Schumann



Date 17 october 2019 at 19:30 to 21:30. Thursday.


Teatro Serrano

Organized by

Area of musical activities of the UV



Contact uvgandia@uv.es