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Parlem d'art
Parlem d'art (Let's talk about art) 2019. Activity programme

During the months of November and December, the activities selected from among all the proposals by the students of the Universitat participating in the fifth edition of Parlem d'art (Let's talk about art) will be carried out, a call promoted by the Information and Promotion Services for Students (Sedi) to facilitate reflection, debate, dissemination and analysis on contemporary culture among students.


The first activity will be the talk followed by a discussion “¿Qué es la mediación artística?” (What is artistic mediation?) New ways of understanding the space through mediation and artistic practices, proposed by Lucas Sáez González, which includes a informal seminar and a practical exercise.  It will be on November 19 at the Faculty of Geography and History. It will be followed by a set of talks on La imagen erótica en la España de principios del siglo XX (The erotic image in Spain in the early twentieth century), idea of​ Javier Martínez; the debate and dialogue Parlem d’art y la importancia de su impacto social (Let’s talk about art and the importance of its social impact), by Patricia Blanco with the collaboration of Pilar Almenar and Estrella Jover; the training day on Valencian urban art Né per stile, né per fama, né denaro, by Zixin Liu and Roberto Riccardo Alvau; Actualizar el museo, by Vega Torres and Pablo Sánchez, and A kind of magic. Fantasía en la cultura visual contemporánea, by Agnès García, Kinga Kovács and Carmen María Bersabé.


ScheduleFrom 19 november 2019 to 10 december 2019. Every day at 17:00 to 19:00.


Different spaces of the Universitat de València (see programme)

Organized by

Student Council Branch

Information and Promotion Services for Students (Sedi).




Contact dinamitzacio@uv.es

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