Universitat de ValènciaInformation Service Logo del portal

Grupos de conversación
Registration to conversation groups

You can register to the conversation groups of the 2019/2020 course of Valencian, English, French and German until 20th September (during the course the registration will remain open for those groups that still have available places) at the Language Self-learning Centres. You must request an appointment and provide one of the following documents:

- University ID

- Receipt of the registration form

- AlumniUV ID

During the registrations, that will take place between 2nd and 20th September, from Monday to Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., you will provide the corresponding certificate that has been demanded (as established in the Conversion Table of Languages L2 of the Universitat de València) or sitting a test.

Students have all the information and the timetables in the pages of the conversation groups of Valencian, English, French and German or they can go to the Language Self-learning Centre of their campus.


Date From 2 september 2019 to 20 september 2019. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact spl@uv.es

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