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Contaminación lumínica.
Registration open for the 4th Edition of conferences on Light Pollution

November 26th at Ribarroja del Turia.

In a society with a climate emergency, it is necessary to determine which sources contribute to global warming and what needs to be done to reduce or replace them. Energy saving and efficiency are therefore imposed on public actions. The lighting of our cities is currently in the spotlight and many places have opted to replace it with a lighting based on LED, technology that is sold as efficient and environmentally friendly.

However, many of these LED installations are highly improvable as they emit a very white light, with a strong blue component, with effects on nocturnal ecosystems (insects, bats, birds, turtles ...) and on human health. The real sustainability in public lighting would be the use of very warm LEDs with a little appreciable contribution of blue light and without affecting the environment. Some Valencian city councils already apply this principle, which is also recommended by the European Union's Green Public Procurement.

In this context, the fourth day is organised on light pollution, the effects of public and private lighting on the environment and human health for municipal technicians, experts, academics, students, decision-makers and the general public, in order to raise awareness of the problems and possible solutions to minimise their problems.

The two sessions are organised around the respective thematic roundtables, which will have the point of view of experts from different universities and research centres in the fields of engineering, criminology, regulations, optics or health. After the speeches, it is intended to open a debate with all attendees.


Date From 11 november 2019 to 26 november 2019. 24h. Every day.


Agencia de Desarrollo Local

Organized by

Universitat de València.

Vicerectorat de Projeció Territorial.

Ayuntamiento de Ribarroja del Turia.


- Coordinadora en defensa de los bosques del Turia

- Cel Fosc

- Red española de estudios sobre la contaminación lumínica.




Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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