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Pasarel·la del Serpis (Foro: Miquel Francés)
The registration period for the 4th ‘Paisaje, turismo e innovación' congress is now open

This congress (Landscapes, tourism and innovation) revolves around tourism plans as instruments for the development and promotion of Valencian heritage. This event aims to be a space for reflection and sharing, as well as offering keys for the proper promotion and evaluation of these plans.

This congress is aimed to teachers, researchers, workers and public agents, associations, companies and general public.  We hope that this attractive initiative will be of your interest.


ScheduleFrom 25 october 2019 to 11 november 2019. Every day at 00:00 to 23:00.



Organized by

La Universitat de València a través del vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad, en el marco del Convenio de colaboración subscrito por Turismo Comunidad Valenciana y la colaboración del Centro de Gandia.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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