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Sign up for the Open Classroom for Creative Writing 2020

A new edition of the Universitat de València's Open Classroom for Creative Writing has arrived, with workshops aimed at university students and the general public. This year, the workshops will be held online from 13 October to 18 December. These workshops are for beginners, with a practical and participative methodology, and are given by specialists in each of the following genres:

  • Theatre, with Paula Llorens
  • Narrative, with Iolanda Batallé
  • Poetry, with Pau Sif
  • Short film script, with Laura García Andreu


ScheduleFrom 7 september 2020 to 12 october 2020. Every day at 10:00 to 23:59.


ENTREU - Virtual Office of the Universitat de València

Organized by

SeDi - Information and Promotion Service.



Contact nauest@uv.es

More information