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Mesa redonda
Round table: support for women diagnosed with breast cancer

Organised by:  Joan Lloret (IILP) 

Seminar coordination:  Enric Novella (IILP-UV)


Pilar Llombart:  Psychological aspects

Sonia Sáez:  Associations

Patricia Ruiz:  Nutrition and exercise

Asunción Martí:   Sexuality

“Women diagnosed with breast cancer have to be prescribed many treatments, and many times they have to last a long time, even several years. They then become patients who need care and support during this time.

Side effects may occur from physical, psychological, and relationship treatments. We have to keep in mind that there are supports and reinforcements that will be beneficial for the patients during the active treatment and afterwards.

These supports are there, we must offer them and they are: psychological, nutrition and exercise, advice on sexuality and specialized associations.”


Date 30 october 2019 at 18:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.


Sala de Conferencias, Palau de Cerveró, Plaza Cisneros, 4. 46003 Valencia.

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Contact mrile@uv.es