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Talk about Artificial Intelligence: a disruptive change

The research group IDAL (Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory) organises a dissemination session on Artificial Intelligence in which the speakers will show the advantages of applying these techniques and the changes that are going to happen in the following years because of its use.

The session will start with a conference titled "Humanidad 2.0: Aplicando IA”, imparted by Emilio Soria (professor of the Master’s Degree in Data Science of ETSE-UV). Then, there will be four panels of discussion on AI in the fields of Healthcare, Industry, Business and People Analytics. Some speakers will come from different companies such as Santa Bárbara Smart Health, QUIBIM, Everis, Capgemini, Tinámica, BME (Bolsas y Mercados Españoles), PLEXUS, Management Solutions, Orange, CEPSA, Telefónica y Naturgy.

The session is sponsored by Baleària within the context of the Institutional Chair Baleària.


Date 26 june 2019 at 09:00 to 14:15. Wednesday.


Salón de actos, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Universitat de València

Organized by

Intelligent Data Analysis Laboratory.



Contact idal@uv.es

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