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Trobada Alumni Facultat d'Economia
Trobada Alumni Faculty of Economics

On Friday 29th the Trobada Alumni FdE (Faculty of Economics Alumni Encounter) will be held.

Although many of you already know it, allow me to make a brief presentation for those who don’t: The Trobada Alumni FdE is an event that we organize in the Faculty for Alumni to spend a pleasant and relaxed evening with their old classmates, while paying tribute to those who celebrate 25 years since the completion of their studies.

Although it is proposed as a reason for a reunion of former students, regardless of the year in which they finished their studies, special tribute is paid to those who finished their degree or diploma at the Faculty of Economics 25 years ago (or more, if they could not attend the previous Trobadas, or another year, if they wish to celebrate it with another promotion). Specifically, at this year's Trobada the orange scholarship will be awarded to the graduating class that completed their studies in 1994.

The academic aspect of the event is completed with interventions by students and professors, ending with a cocktail dinner in the hall of our Faculty, with a price of €20 per person to help finance the event.

Registration is done through the website http://bit.ly/2dhd27y, where you will also find additional information about the Trobada, as well as photos from previous years.

We encourage you all to participate, either as Alumni, or as teachers of all those generations of students who have passed by our classrooms and who will undoubtedly value seeing their mentors again.

We expect to see you on November 29th!


Date 29 november 2019 at 19:00 to 22:30. Friday.


Hall de la Facultat d'Economia

Organized by

Facultat d'Economia.


Contact fac.economia@uv.es

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