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Obra d'Alejandro Granero i Sonia Tarazona. Mostra 2018.
We are looking for 20 students to be involved in the Public Art Exhibition of the UV

We are looking for 20 students (bachelor, master and doctoral degrees) of the Universitat de València who are interested and curious about art and its link to science. You will be involved in this artistic exhibition that interacts with the university environment at the campus of Burjassot.

We offer: practical training, meeting the artists of the 22nd edition of the Public Art Exhibition / Public University, participating in the dissemination of the Exhibition 2019 and some surprises.

We ask: your participation and 4 hours of your time divided in three weeks at the end of September and the beginning of October 2019.

How can you register? Write an e-mail to artpublic@uv.es specifying your name, course and degree, as well as a contact number.

There are only 20 places and the deadline is 25th September. So hurry up!


ScheduleFrom 16 september 2019 to 25 september 2019. Every day at 00:01 to 23:59.


Espacios del Campus de Burjassot

Organized by

Servei d'Informació i Dinamització (Sedi).



Contact artpublic@uv.es

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