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Concierto de Bienvenida
Welcoming concert 2019. Tickets on sale


The welcoming concert 2019 will take place on 18th October at 8:30 p.m. (gates open at 7:30) in the bullring of Valencia.

There are two entry modalities: Arena = 8€ and terrace= 6€

The tickets are available at notikumi.com

We give our support to Pobresa Zero



Date From 23 july 2019 to 18 october 2019. 24h. Every day.


C/ Xàtiva, 44. 46006 València (Plaza de toros)

Organized by

Delegació d'Estudiants i Servei d'Informació i Dinamització (Sedi).



Contact benvinguda@uv.es

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