Universitat de ValènciaInformation Service Logo del portal

FAQ: Frequently asked questions

1. What can I do to study as an exchange student at the University of Valencia?

You should first find out whether your home institution has a bilateral agreement with our university for your field of studies. Furthermore, you will have to be selected by your university. Please ask your International Relations Office for more information.

2. Can I go as a freemover student?

Currently you cannot apply for a freemover stay.

3. How can I enrol as an ordinary (not exchange) student?

You can find information about admissions at: 


4. I need to know the courses and schedules offered by UV.

Please click here to find the information that is currently available. You can also check this guide that will help you find a lot of details about the courses you are interested in.

5. Can I take courses that I am interested in but are unrelated to my major?

Erasmus and International students must take most of their courses, at least 50%, within the agreed areas of study specified in the bilateral agreement. Students can enrol on courses from other fields of study, as long as the number of vacancies or any other restrictions allow it.

6. Where can I find the course programmes?

The course programmes are posted on the UV webpage:


After clicking on the desired degree, you will have to take the following steps:

Click on "Curriculum" > click on "Check info" for the courses you are interested in > click on "Teaching guide" > a pdf with all the information on the course will emerge

7. I have doubts about credits, subjects to study, etc. Who can answer my academic questions?

According to the degree you will be studying at UV, you will have a UV academic coordinator responsible for that degree and who will be glad to solve your academic doubts. Please click here to find his or her name and e-mail address.

8. How can I know that I have been accepted by UV?

You will receive an e-mail from the UV indicating you how to process the application. Once your application has been accepted, you will be able to access your Acceptance Letter.

9. Are there any language requirements in order to be accepted at UV?

No, certificates are not requested. However, it is advisable for students to have a basic level of at least one of the two official languages (Catalan and Spanish) before coming to our university, since our classes are taught mainly in Catalan and Spanish.

Students are encouraged to take the Spanish intensive course in September before the beginning of classes. More information at : http://www.centreidiomes.es/en - secretaria@centreidiomes.es

In addition, we also encourage students to enrol in the Language Policy Service free Catalan A1/A1+ and A2 courses. They start in September and February and are held every term. 

10. Are there any courses held in English?

Yes, there are a few faculties/schools offering courses taught in English language. Please click here to see the offer.

11. Where can I find the academic calendar?

Please check:


12. Does UV accept one-semester exchanges and can I study with you during any of your two semesters?

Yes, you can stay with us during either of our semesters, but before applying at your University for one or the other, please check if the courses you are interested in are 1st-semester courses (September-January) or 2nd semester courses (February-July). There are also annual courses. Click here to see how to find out.

13. Are there any Catalan or Spanish language courses for exchange students at UV?

If you would like to attend Catalan (valencià) courses, the Language Policy Service offers free Catalan A1/A1+ and A2 courses for international students.

More information at https://www.uv.es/llengues/catalancourses - llengues@uv.es

If you want to take Spanish language courses, our language academy (Centre d'Idiomes) offers a special discount to any Erasmus student. You do not need any certificate to get this discount. The International Relations Office will provide the Centre d’Idiomes a list of accepted Erasmus students.

More information at : https://www.uv.es/cdi - contactocdi@uv.es

14. Is there an online application for UV?

Yes. Once your home institution has sent us correctly your nomination as an exchange student, you will get an e-mail with instructions on how to fill in the online application form.

15. I have received an e-mail with instructions on how to fill in the online application form. Which is the deadline to send it?

-Fall semester or whole year (starting in September): 10th July
-Spring semester (starting in February): 10th December

16. I still do not have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). What can I do?

If you still do not have the EHIC because you can only apply for it a little time before coming to Valencia, try to send us any receipt of your application for it. You should bring your EHIC with you or else a private health insurance card, otherwise you will not be registered. In both cases, your health insurance has to cover the full length of your stay in Spain.

17. Do I need a visa during my stay in Valencia?

Citizens of any State of the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein only require a National Identity Card or valid passport. More information:


18. Which is the date of arrival?

Two or three weeks after the nomination deadline, the International Relations Service will send you an e-mail with information about the Reception Day and other relevant dates, requirements or activities. The Reception Day will usually take place on the week before the semester starts.

More information at:


19. I am a special needs student because I am disabled / I suffer from a chronic illness. Who can I contact about this?

You can contact our Unit for Integration of People with Disabilities at integracion@uv.es

Please specify your needs and they will arrange things so that you will be able to study with us as comfortably as possible.

20. How can I get my transcript of records/grades?

The "Secretaría" of the Faculty/School where you enrolled will send them automatically to your University. Before leaving Valencia, we recommend you to go to the "Secretaría" and make sure that they have the correct postal address.