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Cultural, artistic, university promotion, critical reflection, scientific dissemination, complementary training activities, dissemination of cultural references, information technology and gender gap..., in the form of workshops, conferences, lectures, theatrical performances, audiovisual productions, courses or congresses. If they are organized by the student body of the Universitat de València and promote equality between women and men, they can apply for this call for grants for socio-cultural activities that promote equality between women and men, which is managed by Sedi in coordination with the Equality Unit.

These grants are intended to promote the participation of students in activities that promote equality within the Universitat de València and in society, in accordance with the axes established in the III Equality Plan of the Universitat de València 2019-2021.

The Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi) also offers an advisory service, for those who wish or need it, in the design and implementation of the project. It should be recalled that the evaluation committee of these grants will analyse the documentation submitted and evaluate the projects according to the criteria set out in the regulatory bases of the call. The score obtained will determine the maximum amount of aid that a project may receive, bearing in mind that the minimum score to be eligible for aid is 5 points.