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The 3 emes: promoting safe behaviours in the face of Covid-19

In order to contribute to raising awareness of the importance of good practices that minimise the risk of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the university environment, in the academic year 2020-2021 The 3 emes. Initiative for the promotion of safe behaviours before Covid-19 among the students of the University of Valencia. This initiative of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services, managed by the Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi), invites interested students to contribute to the dissemination of protective measures against Covid-19, based on scientific rigour, by training and participating in an awareness campaign aimed at the university community. The title recalls the three basic prevention measures: hand hygiene, correct use of masks and distance metres.

2020-2021 academic year


  1. Training

Those registered will receive 5 hours of online training on what Covid-19 is, transmission and risks, prevention in university spaces, sources of information and false news, communication for awareness-raising and good practices. This training will be given by expert teachers: Jose Maria Martín Moreno, professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Universitat de València; José Luis Alfonso Sánchez, head of the Epidemiology Service at the Hospital General Universitario; Miguel Ángel Toledo Peralta, section head of the Prevention Service at the Universitat de València; Anna Juan Roch, journalist and head of communication at the Instituto de Investigación de la Fe; Fani Grande Serrano, journalist and communication specialist, and Laura Guzmán, section head of the Information and Promotion Service for Students (Sedi).

The sessions will be held through the UV Virtual Classroom (Moodle) on 24 and 25 September, in morning and afternoon sessions (the maximum number of participants per session will be limited to the maximum number of participants):

  • Morning session: Thursday 24 September, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Friday 25 September, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
  • Afternoon shift: Thursday 24 September, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday 25 September, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.


  1. Awareness-raising campaign 

Participation in the information points that will be set up in each of the centres, from 29 September to 22 October, to carry out the actions to raise awareness and promote safe behaviour in the face of Covid-19 foreseen in the training. The students will have to dedicate 20 hours to this phase of the programme. To do so, they will have to choose 10 shifts of 2 hours each, distributed from Monday to Thursday in the morning (from 10am to 12pm) and in the afternoon (from 4pm to 6pm) using the application provided for this purpose.


The certificates of recognition of 1.5 ECTS credits will be sent from Sedi once the effective participation in the two phases of the initiative has been verified.