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5th Edition of the Summer University of Aras de los Olmos Open enrolment

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, presents the 5th edition of the Aras de los Olmos Summer University (UVAO), the result of close collaboration between the Universitat de València, the Aras de los Olmos Town Hall, the Provincial Council of Valencia and Caixa Popular.


Water is a staple food in all ecosystems, it nourishes plants and animals and makes us as human beings. Water is also landscape: it defines our habitat with its varied natural and artificial contours, generating spaces of high aesthetic value, with which we identify ourselves and which shape our cultural identity. Water is a true heritage of humanity that we must know how to preserve and pass on future generations.

But water for human consumption is not endless. Of all water on Earth, only 2.59% is fresh. It is an extremely scarce commodity, especially in semi-arid territories, such as ours, which are suffering the effects of climate change. It is essential to adapt our lifestyle and the uses we make of it to produce wealth, implementing public policies and responsible consumption that care for and make sustainable use of water.

Specialists in water management and hydraulic heritage from different areas of knowledge –hydraulic engineers, geographers, agronomists, economists, jurists...– and different professional fields –universities, public officials, irrigators, landscapers, specialists in consumption, hydraulic technicians...– will participate in this conference, offering different visions to make multiple proposals on the management of water and our hydraulic heritage in favour of sustainable development for our territories.

Aras de los Olmos sets the scene for the conferences. Nestled in a natural environment of great value and crossed by the Turia river from north to south, in this municipality are located –among other landmarks– and Ethnobotanical Garden of Medicinal and Useful Plants, old water mills –some of which are being restored– and some walled gardens of Moorish origin irrigated by ponds and irrigation ditches of great heritage value. Dozens of aquifers and springs are scattered throughout the area to feed the richness of a large forest mass and a rich botanical variety. Aras de los Olmos is the Valencian municipality with the largest area protected by Flore Micro-reserves and has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, a real jewel for the enjoyment of Valencians.


The sessions can also be followed online through the link



ScheduleFrom 23 june 2022 to 7 july 2022. Every day at 13:53 to 12:00.


Municipal Theatre. Plaza de los Serranos, 3 (Aras de los Olmos)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Provincial Council of Valencia

Caixa Popular

Aras de los Olmos Town Hall

Inter-university Institute for Local Development

El Olmo Foundation

Big History Centre for Scientific and Environmental Outreach.



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