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The impact of Artificial Intelligence in the labour market (13/11/2023)

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • October 27th, 2023

On Monday 13 November, the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives and the Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València are organising a three-way debate between experts on the impact of new technologies in the labour market.

Cartell amb el títol de l'esdeveniment i les persones intervinents


Each of the three speakers comes from a different background (academia, government and private enterprise), which is a unique opportunity to bring together different points of view that undoubtedly enrich the debate.


Fotografías de las personas asistentes


Manuel González Bedia

  • General Director of the Office of the Commissioner for the New Economy of Language (Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation). He is in charge, among other functions, of promoting strategies, policies and measures to stimulate and attract economic activity, entrepreneurship, innovation, investment and talent in Spain in the field of PERTE (Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation). With a PhD in Computer Engineering and a degree in Physics, he has extensive experience both in the field of research and in the exercise of positions within the Spanish General State Administration.


Gabriel López Serrano

  • Gabriel López Serrano. Government Affairs Director at Microsoft, with extensive experience in the legal and technology sector and a lawyer by profession, has been part of the Microsoft team since 2014. He is in charge, among other functions, of leading the strategies to promote regulations and legislation to bring technology closer to people (all this with a positive impact on Microsoft’s products, operations, partners and customers), collaborating with relevant associations and interest groups. He is also responsible for negotiating and responding to complex regulatory issues in the development of the company’s strategy.


Adrián Todolí Signes

  • Adrián Todolí Signes, co-director of the Chair for Collaborative Economy and Digital Transformation, tenured professor in the Department of Labour and Social Security Law and author of the book Algoritmos productivos y extractivos, comes from academia and is today one of the leading researchers on the subject at European level. In addition to his extensive academic output, he has served as a consultant to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Economic and Social Committee.


Estefanía Pastor León

  • Estefanía Pastor León, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Valencia Plaza, graduated in Journalism from the Universitat de València with postgraduate studies in Data Journalism and New Narratives from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Her professional experience has been closely linked to the world of business, innovation and new technologies. As an expert moderator, she will host the debate..


The Chair in Collaborative Economy and Digital Transformation aims to analyze the set of actors, institutions and economic and social practices generated around the phenomenon of the collaborative economy and digital platforms from a multidisciplinary perspective of the social sciences (combining the legal approach offered by Constitutional, Administrative, Labor and Tax Law, with the economic and sociological approach).