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Online conference on integrity and transparency in sports (23/04/2024)

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • April 22nd, 2024
A sportsman

Dimarts 23 d'abril (10:00h - 12:00h). Accés gratuït a través de la plataforma Zoom.

Programme. Click to access. (pdf)
Programme. Click to access.

An online conference on integrity and transparency in the area of sports will be held on Tuesday, 23 April, from 10:00am to 12:00am. The conference is organised by prominent personalities of the field, featuring experts that will address different aspects related to this topic.

The event will be inaugurated by José Salvador Tárrega, general director of Transparency and Participation of the Generalitat Valenciana, together with Joaquín Martín Cubas, co‑director of the PAGODA Chair, and Raquel Valle Escolano, director of the event. Afterwards, several renowned specialists will offer their insights into the topic.

One of the featured speakers is Miguel García Caba, Academic Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Sports Direction and Management (UNIR) and former head of legal advice of LaLiga and Real Madrid CF. Jaime Rodríguez Alba, researcher of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre of the Autonomous University of Mexico State and professor of Transparency and Good Governance at UNIR, will address methodologies that promote transparency and integrity in sports organisations.

The programme includes topics such as good governance of sports entities and the novelties in the area of transparency of the federative electoral processes. Other participants are Montse Díaz Marí, a lawyer specialised in sports and legal advice, and Ángel Guillén Pajuelo, Academic Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Direction of Public Management (UNIR) and member of the Sports Law Research Group DDEPOR.

The event will conclude with the reflections of Raquel Valle Escolano, an Assistant Professor of the Degree in Political Sciences and Administration at the Universitat de València, and a debate for the attendees.