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The Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair organises a seminar on the European Health Data Space Challenges

  • October 27th, 2022
Picture seminar

The aim is to share ideas on health research and the requirements for using big data repositories.

The Microsoft-Universitat de València Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair, in collaboration with the Universitat de València and UVChairs, is organising the seminar Health Research: European Health Data Space challenges. The event will be held on Wednesday 16 November in Madrid, in the Europe Hall of the headquarters of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain.

“The aim of the conference is to analyse the conditions of research with health data in the medical field in view of the Proposal for a Regulation on the European Health Data Space”, explains Professor Ricard Martínez Martínez, director of the Microsoft Universitat de València Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair. “It is a debate integrated in the European Digital Strategy and the European Health Data Space. It is also directly related to the proposals of the Data Governance Act and the Artificial Intelligence Act”, he continues.

In this sense, Spain has been a pioneer country in health research with data thanks to its high degree of digitalisation and capabilities in terms of regulatory compliance in data protection and health. “The lessons learned with the implementation of the provisions of the Seventeenth additional article on health data processing of the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights”, explains the academic, “constitute a solid foundation from which to build our approach”.

"In my opinion, there are very solid and promising steps in this area and it is essential to contribute to the dissemination of this regulatory process whose real-time monitoring should help to ensure a treatment model centred on the values of the European Health Data Space", says Professor Martínez. This translates into "patient empowerment, guarantees of privacy and security, and the generation of a treatment space that consolidates and increases the competitiveness of our health research", he concludes.

The event will begin at 9:30 a.m. (CEST) with presentations by María de los Angeles Benítez Salas, Director of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain; Joaquín Aldás-Manzano, Vice-Principal for Planning, Quality and Information Technologies; Mar España-Martí, Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency; and Elena M. Grimme,Associate General Counsel at Microsoft; and will end at 2:30 p.m.

The seminar is free of charge, will have simultaneous translation and can be followed face-to-face or online

Registration must be made through the following link:

For more information, please check the site of the event on the chair’s website


Wednesday 16 November 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. CEST
Headquarters of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain, Europe Hall 
Paseo de la Castellana, 46, E-28046, Madrid, Spain 
+34 91 423 80 00



9:30 Opening session

10:00 The future of healthcare research: An overview on governance and requirements

10:45 European Health Data Space requirements: Building data repositories (the researchers point of view)

  • Dr. Enrique Bernal-Delgado, Senior Scientist. Head of the Data Science for Health Services and Policy Research Group Institute for Health Sciences. 
  • Dr. Luís Marti Bonmati, Head of the medical imaging department of Instituto de Investigación Universitaria La Fe and chairs the CHAIMELEON consortium. 

Coffee Break 

11:30 European Health Data Space requirements: Security and interoperability

  • Mr. Miguel Ángel Benito Tovar, representative of the Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud representative and Data Protection Officer of the Balearic Islands Regional Healthcare System. 

12:00 European Health Data Space requirements: Ethics

12:30 European Health Data Space requirements: And data protection

13:30 European Health Data Space: Digital transformation and common good opportunities

14:15 Closing Session

14:30 Lunch