institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

The Chair will serve as a framework for the following activities:

  • Research activities related to the analysis and periodic monitoring of the international economic situation, trade and its maritime-port implications.
  • To promote the dissemination of the results of the different activities that are the object of the Chair to the port community and other possible interested parties.
  • To favour the collaboration and exchange of knowledge between universities and professionals by facilitating meeting spaces.
  • To organise and hold training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences, or outstanding lectures/workshops related to the themes of the Chair.
  • Any other actions deemed appropriate by the Monitoring Committee within the framework of this Agreement.

The activities above aim to cover the following areas of knowledge:

  • International economic environment, with particular attention to growth and trade.
  • Essential trends in the leading economic areas with commercial activity with the Port of Valencia.
  • Evolution of protectionism, both tariff and non-tariff, as a distorting activity in international trade.
  • Commercial Dynamics Analysis linked to the activity of the Port of Valencia, as well as to the Valencian productive system and, more broadly, to the natural hinterland of the Port of Valencia.
  • Evolution of the localisation process of the Global Value Chains, especially those with special relevance for the Valencian productive sectors.