Service Charter
- Information to the governing and representation bodies of the University of Valencia.
- Reporting on the collaboration agreements signed at the University of Valencia.
- Reporting on the draft general provisions that must be submitted for approval by the Governing Board.
- Reporting on the motions of resources that have to be resolved by the Board of Trustees, the Governing Board and the principal.
- Reporting on proposals for resolving administrative claims prior to the civil and labor courts.
- Reporting on the proceedings of statements about harmfulness of acts of University of Valencia, prior to his appeal before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction.
- Processing of the files for review of final administrative acts.
- Examining capital liability files.
- Assisting and advise on disciplinary procedures followed at the University of Valencia.
- Reporting on the tenders of clauses of administrative contracts and remaining contracts of the Administration.
- Approval of the supporting documents of the personality and representation of natural and legal persons who hire or undertake with the University of Valencia.
- Representing of the University of Valencia before the Courts of any order or jurisdiction.
- Intervention on competition issues that arise in extrajudicial procedures in which the University of Valencia is interested.
- Participation in legal Conferences and Forums through interventions or assistance.
- Teaching courses at other institutions
- Issues in which the report of the Legal Consultancy or body that corresponds to the advisory role is required by the current law.
- Teaching training courses at the University of Valencia.
- Intervention on Bureaus of Procurement.