
Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025


Are you looking for more training? Do you want to achieve greater professional expertise and stand out in the labour market? You can acheive all of this by studying one of the UV’s 110 Master's Degree Programmes offered for the next academic year. The application process will be open from 15 February to 14 June until 2pm.

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Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy

The University launches a new employability programme for students in their final years of bachelor's and master's degree courses.


The University of Valencia, with the support of the Valencian Service of Occupation and Formation LABORA, presents 'RUTA 5.0', a new experimental programme, aimed at students in the final years of their bachelor's and master's degrees at the UV, registered in the Valencian Community, to promote the employability of university talent through training actions, experiential workshops, career guidance sessions, mentoring programmes and networking with Valencian companies.

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Imatge gràfica del programa 'Promou-te'.

UVocupació llança un nou programa per a impulsar la carrera professional de l’estudiantat de màster


El servei d’orientació i ocupació de la Universitat de València, UVocupació, ha obert el període d’inscripció per a participar en un nou programa d’ocupabilitat adreçat a l’estudiantat de màster oficial. Sota la marca ‘Promou-te’ i amb el suport de l’Ajuntament de València, aquest programa pretén promoure i impulsar la carrera professional de jove estudiantat de postgrau oficial de la Universitat de València.

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