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  • María Gómez, professor of History of Art of the UV, opens the exhibition “Levedad. La Seda y la Mujer de todos los tiempos

    María Gómez, professor of History of Art of the UV, opens the exhibition “Levedad. La Seda y la Mujer de todos los tiempos"

    29 june 2016

    The professor of History of Art and artist, María Gómez, opens at the Hotel Las Arenas an exhibition dedicated to the reflection around silk and women on 8 July at 20:30. It is a series of hardened and carved plaster sculptures carried out without moulds or models, of between 70 and 90 cm high. This exhibition aims to start a cultural and artistic act with the objective of promoting initiatives of “artistic creation” in relation with the Silk Road.  As expressed by the artist: it is the “spear head” that will go on, from this path, towards other exhibition places.

  • Professor Daniel Muñoz collaborate with

    Professor Daniel Muñoz collaborates with "Las Provincias"

    24 june 2016

    Daniel Muñoz Navarro, professor of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage: Identification, Analysis and Management, has collaborated with Las Provincias in the review it has carried out this year, on the occasion of the 150 most influential Valencian people of the last century and a half. Specifically, Muñoz has analysed the bibliography of the lawyer and politician Cirilo Amorós (1830-1887).

  • Valencian silk knits its own space

    Valencian silk knits its own space

    21 june 2016

    Silk commerce established many years ago a cities network around the world, lumped together as the Silk Road, that remains a source of culture both in Asia, origin of this historical route, and in our continent and country. In fact, the city of Valencia is one of the main stops of the textile road, claiming its importance this year.

  • Quatre noves donancions per al patrimoni de la Universitat de València

    Quatre noves donancions per al patrimoni de la Universitat de València

    16 june 2016

    Aquest dimecres 15 de juny s'ha formalitzat a la Sala de Juntes de la Nau la signatura de quatre nous convenis pels quals la Universitat de València augmenta el seu patrimoni cultural. Entre els donants es troben dues famílies d'artistes, la de Jesús Castelló i la de Paco Bascuñán, el fotopoeriodista J. García Poveda (“El Flac”) i Vicent Álvarez, que va ser director dels Serveis Jurídics de la Universitat de València i membre del Consell Valencià de Cultura. En l'acte també va estar present el vicerector de Cultura i Igualtat, Antonio Ariño.

  • Aristòtil al descobert

    Aristòtil al descobert

    1 june 2016

    Arqueòlegs grecs creuen haver donat amb la tomba del cèlebre filòsof Aristòtil, en unes excavacions dutes a terme, al llarg de més dues dècades, a l'antiga ciutat d' Estagira, el lloc de naixement del fundador dels Peripatètics.

  • Marketing for museums

    25 may 2016

    What is more important for you, any advertising campaign or a “trustworthy” recommendation by a friend? If you are proposed to go to a museum, would you find it an appealing plan? How many museums in Valencia do you know?

  • Roman ruins under the Cathedral of Valencia

    10 may 2016

    During the restoration and ampliation of the Museum dedicated to the Cathedral of Valencia, remains of roman houses and streets have been found by chance. The remains are dated from I and II d.C centuries.

  • 600 kg of Roman coins found in Seville

    2 may 2016

    Within a total of 19 anaphoras, bronze pieces have been found; such pieces worked as coins during the Roman Empire and hold, today, a great historical value. Such heirlooms, which date back to Centuries III and IV ac, were found thanks to some canalisation works which took place at Tomares, a municipality in Seville.

  • The Valencia Parliament has given green light to the idea of renewing the roman ruins of Calle El Salvador

    19 april 2016

    The Valencia Parliament has given green light to the idea of renewing the roman ruins of Calle El Salvador, which is right behind the parliamentary groups building, a few metres from the Palau dels Borja, in Valencia.

  • Valuing ‘El Castellet de Turís’

    22 march 2016

    Between the months of March and June 2010, there was an archaeological intervention in the set of constructions commonly known as El Castellet, in Turís (Valencia).  Thanks to these works, they have demonstrated that this Muslim-based edification played an important role in the defence of Valencian territory during approximately 500 years (from the 11th to the 15th Century) both during the Muslim era and after the Christian conquer. .