University of Valencia logo Logo Master's Degree in Policies, Administration and Management of Educational Organisations Logo del portal


Personalized and ongoing education to each student

The attention to the needs and abilities of each student is our main starting point


Direct access to a PhD in Education

Students that finish this master's degree will be able to access a PhD in education without the need to atend any extra courses


Specialized teaching staff of international prestige

This master's degree has specialized professors and researchers with a long and distinguished career in the field of education


Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025

Are you looking for more training? Do you want to achieve greater professional expertise and stand out in the labour market? You can acheive all of this by studying one of the UV’s 110 Master's Degree Programmes offered for the next academic year. The application process will be open from 15...



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