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Master's Degree IBMCG

Master's Degree in Research in Biology, Mollecular, Cellular and Genetics Biology

"The main aspect that made me decide for the Master was the possibility of carrying out the Master’s Degree Final Project abroad"

Elisa Ledesma Valero

18 april 2018

Elisa Ledesma Valero

I spent a while investigating all the possibilities of master's degrees offered by Spanish universities and also abroad. The Master’s Degree in Research in Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Biology offers a Master's Degree Final Project of 30 ECTS, allowing students to gain a great professional and research experience, which I thought was very important. In addition, I liked the distribution of the same, concentrating the subjects in the first semester and leaving the second to focus on the work in the laboratory.

The main aspect that made me decide for the Master was the possibility of carrying out the Master’s Degree Final Project abroad, with the help of an ERASMUS scholarship. This opportunity allows you to meet other research groups abroad, expand experimental knowledge, improve languages, meet people from all over the world and above all, it is a great opportunity for our professional future. In addition, the master offers the possibility of counting the help of an ERASMUS scholarship, which also helps something financially.

I took advantage of this great opportunity and right now I am in Leuven (Belgium), carrying out my Master’s Degree Final Project in a genetics laboratory of the University KU Leuven. I am very happy to have made the decision to live this adventure, I am learning many things and living an unforgettable experience, which I have no doubt will benefit me in my future researcher. I am very happy in the research group and I have met incredible people and researchers who are teaching me everything they know. I would like to thank Sergi Maicas, director of the master and my mobility coordinator, the support, help and patience with the bureaucratic issues, which have made this experience possible

In regard with the subjects that are offered, I found them very interesting, focused on research and very useful in the future. It is true that it is a Master's Degree that requires a lot of perseverance and work, especially in the first semester, in which many hours of classes, practices and jobs are concentrated. However, this allows you to learn to organize time and absorb a large amount of knowledge. Definitely, the experience is worth it. Regarding the subjects, it could highlight "omic technologies". I would dare to say that it is the most "hard" subject of the master's degree but also one of the most complete and useful for our professional future, since this field is becoming a fundamental part in the field of biological research.

I encourage everyone to take this master's degree, very complete in terms of subjects and with a Master’s Degree Final Project that allows gaining experience in the field of research. There is a wide range of MDFP’s  to choose from, allowing us to choose the path that most interests us students. And for the more adventurous, the possibility of going abroad never disappoints. It is a great opportunity that should not be missed.