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Valencian speech therapists raise awareness of their role in society

  • September 27th, 2017

The Colegio Oficial de Logopedas (Official Community of Speech Therapists) of the Valencian Community has launched a campaign to raise awareness about their role in society and their work with people who cannot speak, swallow or breathe normally, as reported in a press release today.

The campaign, which has as its motto “We help you improve. You have the right to speech therapy”, aims to highlight the benefits of speech-language interventions in speech and communication disorders in children, elderly people with brain diseases or people who have suffered an accident.

The action will be disseminated through different media and outdoor advertising and, as explained, will claim the work of these health professionals specialised in “preventing, evaluating, diagnosing and recovering disorders of speech, communication and language”.

They add that their task consist mainly in trying to recover the voice, swallow without risk of drowning and improve the communicative capacity, both to understand other people and to interact with them.

The organisation also clarifies that its work encompasses other competences such as articulation disorders, verbal fluency disorders, speech delay, oral and written language disorders, dysphonias, laryngectomies, attention deficit disorder, degenerative diseases and vocal apparatus diseases.

The Colegio de Logopedas indicates that through its website, both professionals and citizens can access information services such as job or training offers, for the first ones, and obtain useful data and locate experts, for the second ones.