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The Universitat holds the Health Sciences Forum with the participation of four centres and some thirty organisations

  • UV General Foundation
  • March 4th, 2022

The Universitat de València has holded the Health Sciences Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum at the Blasco Ibáñez Campus on 3rd March. Around 30 companies and entities had their stands in the hall of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. This Faculty hosted the academic activity too throughout the morning.

Organised by the Office of the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes, through UVjob, the Health Sciences Forum also had the participation of four faculties: Nursing and Podiatry, Psychology and Speech Therapy, Medicine and Dentistry, and Physiotherapy.

Professional associations, associations, public and private companies, administrations, NGOs, hospitals..., all of them organisations from the health sector, came together at a meeting that aims to make specialised university talent available to the labour market, emerging from studies in Nursing, Podiatry, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Dentistry and Physiotherapy, as well as postgraduate and master's degrees with more than fifteen qualifications.

Thus, the Universitat de València's job fair facilitated personal contact between companies/entities/institutions and students in order to promote highly qualified employment in the Health Sciences world.

The Forum started with the institutional opening and then the round table 'Public employment and work abroad', in the Aula Magna of Medicine, with Diego Moliner, from the Red EURES; Susana Cabareda and Remedios Laguarda, from the Subdirección General de Recursos Humanos de la Conselleria de Sanidad; and Natalia Marín, pre-doctoral researcher at FISABIO.

Afterwards, the same room was the setting for the debate on 'Multidisciplinary teams, emerging professions and entrepreneurship' moderated by Diana Pons, Vice-Dean of External Practices of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy, with the participation of Ignacio Bermejo, from the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia; Jorge Navarro, expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to the area of health; Marta Cañero, consultant in gender diversity; and podiatrist Vicente Bacete.

After the colloquium, the 30 stands of the companies and organisations taking part in the event was set up in the hall of Faculty.

The forum has a virtual space where students can find out about the organisations that were present at the fair, as well as the job opportunities that were available to them.
