The Master’s Degree in Speech Therapy Intervention Specialisation of the Universitat de València covers a whole academic year (from October to May) and has a teaching load of 60 ECTS credits. We now briefly describe the subjects that are taught in the Master’s Degree.
Advances in Speech Therapy Intervention: Case Studies
This subject has 20 ECTS credits and it studies the speech therapy intervention proceedings addressed to people with neurodevelopmental disorders, deafness, neurodegenerative disorder and central etiology.
Advances in Neuroscience of Language
It is constituted by 10 ECTS credits and is divided in three blocks:
- Neurolinguistic paradigm (traditional, cognitive and pragmatic and functional)
- Knowledge on the use of neuroimaging techniques and interpretation of the obtained data, as well as the analysis and evaluation of neurobiological signals.
- Foundations of the voice and speech production, of acoustics applied to its representation and study, and techniques and resources for the acoustic analysis of the voice and speech.
Training in Professional Development
This subject is formed by 9 ECTS credits and aims to provide students with the needed knowledge and tools to exercise their profession in different fields such as hospital consultations, private clinics, expert witness, etc.
It is constituted by 6 ECTS credits and has a double objective:
- That students learn the needed skills and knowledge on how to develop a research and analysing the data they generate.
- That students are able of locating science information and of handling and producing scientific texts.
This subject has 7.5 ECTS credits, and it gives students the opportunity of applying the acquire knowledge during the academic year and getting a first-hand look on the functioning of a speech therapy centre or service.
Clinic or Research Master’s Degree Final Project
This subject has 7.5 ECTS credits. With it, students will be able of analysing science texts, singular clinical cases, developing new speech theory intervention based on scientific proof, and designing and carrying out research studies from the speech therapy.
The Master’s Degree in Speech Therapy Intervention Specialisation of the Universitat de València is professional and research centred, since it provides the required training for Speech Therapy professionals and includes the methodological, scientific and professional aspects thought to favour the scientific productivity in this field. The professors Senate is renowned both in the academic and in the professional field. Also, the qualification of the Master’s Degree gives access to the Programme in Research in Psychology of the Universitat de València.