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Talk on Multi-Agent Oriented Programming

  • 12 noviembre de 2019
Talk on Multi-Agent Oriented Programming

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

13:30h - 14:30h

Saló de Graus "Joan Pelechano" / ETSE-UV

Developing Intelligent Interactive Systems with Multi-Agent Oriented Programming

In this talk, I briefly overview the work recently conducted by my research group on extending platforms for the development of multi-agent systems named Jason and JaCaMo so they incorporate various AI techniques. In particular, work on the integration of Argumentation Theory and Ontological Reasoning into those programming platform is briefly presented. I also mention in this talk some of our target applications, including healthcare and disaster rescue. To conclude, I discuss future directions on the combination of various AI techniques into multi-agent oriented programming and the impact they could have on the development of intelligent interactive systems.

Rafael Bordini is an associate professor at PUCRS since March 2012, and is currently on a sabbatical period at the Universities of Genoa and Oxford funded by CAPES. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from University College London in 1999. Rafael Bordini is an emeritus member of the Board of Directors of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) and emeritus member of the board of directors of the European Association for Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS). He was programme co-chair for the main Agents conference (AAMAS) in 2015, and has served as SPC or PC for all top AI and Agents conferences (including IJCAI, AAMAS, AAAI, ECAI). He has published over 100 conference papers and 25 journal papers; according to Google Scholar his h-index is 37. His main research interests are in programming languages and verification techniques for autonomous software systems, particularly multi-agent systems, as well as the integration of AI techniques such as multi-agent planning, argumentation, and ontologies into multi-agent programming. The main target applications are in the use of AI for the social good and sustainability, in particular human-robot teamwork in disaster rescue scenarios and healthcare.