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Building emotions in Illustrated Literature. Conference by Isabel Morant. 02/04/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19:00h
Building emotions in Illustrated Literature

Lluís Vives European School of Thought (Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives)

Cycle: Creative Women

Conference La construcción del sentimiento en la literatura ilustrada (Spanish for Building emotions in Illustrated Literature)

By Isabel Morant. Professor in Modern History

Free entry, limited capacity

The audio visual file of the act will be available in the Culture Channel of Mediauni (


Date 2 april 2020 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives. Unitat d’Igualtat. Aula de Literatura.



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