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The Caso Almería and the fight against oblivion. Roundtable. Fòrum de Debats. 04/06/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19:00h
The Caso Almería and the fight against oblivion

80th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War


The Caso Almería and the fight against oblivion

In memory of Luis Cobo Mier, Luis Montero García i Juan Mañas Morales, who were murdered by the Guardia Civil in May 1981

Counting on the presence of Colectivo Desmemoriados and the families of the three victims

Free admission, limited seats


Date 4 june 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aules Seminari. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Fòrum de Debats. Aula d’Història i Memòria Democràtica de la Universitat de València. Càtedra Interuniversitària de Memòria Democràtica de la Comunitat Valenciana.

