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36 UEG del 15 AL 19 de julio
Diverse sexualities. Realities of people with disabilities

Workshop encompassed in the 36th Summer University of Gandia.


This workshop aims to show diversity and singularity to human sexuality from gender and intersectional perspective. Thanks to the theoretical and practical methodology, we analyse the myths and realities of non-normative identities such as LGTBI people with disabilities who face the fact of having to get out of “two closets”. We will know accessible supports that we can offer for recognising their right to having a full affective-sexual, healthy and diverse life. Coordinator: Ruth M. Mestre i Mestre, chief of initiatives for diversity of the Universitat de València and Sela Andreu Muñoz diversity expert of the Universitat de València.


Tuesday 16th July


9.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

- Basic concepts of Human Sexuality.

- From sexual diversity to diverse sexualities.

- Rights, supports, cognitive accessibility to full sexuality.

- Video-documentary “dobles armarios, dobles apoyos”. Myths and realities on the sexuality of LGTBI people with intellectual disabilities.


Date 16 july 2019 at 09:30 to 14:30. Tuesday.


Centre de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Centre de Gandia. Universitat de València

Iniciatives de Diversitat de la UV

Vicerectorat d'Igualtat, Diversitat i Sostenibilitat




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