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Exhibition: Epistemologies for HIV/AIDS prevention


Universitat de València and Universitat Politécnica de València present an exhibition about HIV/AIDS at 4 FICAE - Diseases International Festival of Short Films and Art.

A tour over more than 30 years of international HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the Universitat de València and the Institute López Piñero for the History of Medicine and Science inaugurated on March 1st “Epistemologies for HIV/AIDS prevention”. This exhibition has been organised with the collaboration of the Universitat Politècnica de València and curated by Pepe Miralles within the framework of 4 FICAE - Diseases International Festival of Short Films and Art. The exhibition can be visited at Palau Cerveró until 31 May 2018.

This is the 4th edition of FICAE, a yearly festival organised by the Universitat Politècnica de València. It is a unique festival in the world which addresses this disease in all its variants and multiple perspectives through film and art.

Epistemologies for HIV/AIDS prevention proposes, through posters and other informative media, a series of epistemological links which allow us to take into account how HIV/AIDS prevention has been understood and which attitudes have been modified.

The exhibition goes through several key moments of the prevention discourse’s evolution, frequently running parallel with scientific, social and political advances. Besides, the exhibition brings to light the need of destigmatise the disease and infected people, with the aim of promoting respect and dignifying their lives.

Throughout time, several HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns have generated images and prejudices mainly due to misinformation and the consequences this disease implies for the affected and their social environment. This exhibition aims to analyse these perspectives and intends to provide visibility to those campaigns addressed to different social, sexual, ethnical and cultural categories. These campaigns broach without taboo topics such as sexuality, pleasure, drug abuse, disease and death and they also provide accessible information to understand preventive behaviour regarding each kind of praxis.

Pepe Miralles, co-director of the festival, visual artist and curator has vast experience on this topic and presents and exhibition which exposes all the work carried out by several activists and associations.

Thanks to the collection and supply of equipment by Apoyo positivo, Diversidad Salud y Comunidad, Jon Arrizabalaga (private collection), Avacos, Calcsicova, Cesida, Comité Antisida Valencia, FELGTB, Àlvar Martínez, Fundación Triàngulo, Lambda and Sidastudi. They all have worked on the creation of new narratives about HIV/AIDS prevention.

Epistemologies for HIV/AIDS prevention is an open window to contemplate how information was delivered -or misinformation- to those communities affected by the lack of awareness and institutional silence.

Place: Palau de Cerveró. Plaza de Cisneros, 4.

From 1 March to 27 April 2018.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 20 pm. Closed on non-working days.

Free entry.


ScheduleFrom 2 march 2018 to 31 may 2018. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 20:00.


Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y la Ciencia "López Piñero".

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